AmSAT-certified teachers of the Alexander Technique have completed a teacher training program of 1600 hours of class instruction over a minimum of
three academic years with a student-teacher ratio no greater than five-to-one. 
AmSAT (American Society for the Alexander Technique) maintains the nation's highest standards for teacher training, certification and membership and maintains affiliations with similar credentialing bodies worldwide.  There are over 600 AmSAT-certified teachers nationwide.
Board-approved AmSAT teacher training courses meet the requirements of the Training Approval Committee which periodically reevaluates
each of AmSAT's teacher training programs and its directors.


There are 20 international affiliated societies of certified teachers of the Alexander Technique with over 3000 members across the world. ATAS (Alexander Technique Affiliated Societies) is the organization of these societies. The Affiliated Societies maintain and assure training standards which originated with F.M. Alexander. Standards include a minimum of 3 year training courses with an average of 36 weeks per year of 5 days a week.

STAT, the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, is the oldest professional association of teachers of the Alexander Technique. Formed in London in 1958, it has several hundred members in England and 36 other countries. .

Argentina (AAPTA)

Australia (AUSTAT)

Austria (GATOE) 

Belgium (AEFMAT)

Brazil (ABTA)

Canada (CANSTAT)

Denmark (DFLAT)

Finland (FINSTAT)

France (APTA)

Germany (ATVD) 
Israel (ISTAT)

Mexico (APTAM)

Netherlands (NeVLAT)

New Zealand (ATTSNZ)

Norway (NFLAT) 

South Africa (SASTAT)

Spain (APTAE)

Switzerland (SVLAT)

United Kingdom (STAT)

United States (AmSAT)

is the largest professional organization for teachers of the AT in the US. Founded in 1987 AmSAT is an educational non-profit organization.

AmSAT's Annual Conference and General Meeting (ACGM) takes place over five days and is held in a different part of the country each year. Members conduct business, further their education with classes led by senior teachers and exchange work and ideas formally and informally.

Featured speakers at past ACGMs have included

neuroscientist Dr. Tim Cacciatore speaking about his research into Postural Control and Dr. Joseph LeDoux, Professor of Science at the Center for Neural Science, New York University.

All AmSAT-certified teachers have satisfactorily completed the Society’s rigorous requirements for teacher certification. For more information or to find an AmSAT-certified teacher:
800 473 0620

Associate Membership

Associate membership in AmSAT supports the organization and its goals. Available to the public, annual dues are $55.  Benefits include a free subscription to the AmSAT Journal, special workshops at AmSAT's annual meetings and a discount on books purchased through AmSAT Books.  For further information contact the AmSAT office.

AmSAT Journal

The AmSAT Journal is a professional journal dedicated to publishing high quality writing on practical, theoretical, and professional aspects of the Alexander Technique. Published twice yearly, subscriptions are available to the public for $20 (US address), $30 (international address).  Subscription information:

To facilitate the exchange of ideas and information on a global scale, eleven international congresses have taken place to date with the twelfth upcoming in August of 2021.

These congresses bring together teachers from around the world to exchange work, knowledge and experiences of the Technique.  Collections of published papers from these congresses are available from STAT.

1986: Stonybrook, NY

1988: Brighton, England
1991: Engleberg, Switzerland
1994: Sidney, Australia
1996: Jerusalem, Israel
1999: Freiburg, Germany
2004: Oxford, England
2008: Lugano, Switzerland
2011: Lugano, Switzerland
2015: Limerick, Ireland
2018: Chicago, IL
2022: Berlin, Germany

ICAT logo


Jill Geiger, AmSAT, STAT

teaching the Alexander Technique since 1990
Newton, MA

617 527 7373